March 5, 2016 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Cononcus Camp and Conference Center
54 Exeter Rd
Exeter, RI 02822

Winter Dash Kids and Family Waves are OPEN!

Camp Canonicus Conference Center – 54 Exeter Road, Exeter RI 02822

Kids – $25.00 – Medal and T-shirt included
Adults – $10.00 – Medal included, T-shirt can be purchased for $10.00 in advanced or on event day.

Kids – GET EXCITED!  Kids and families waves will be running on the same course as the adults at this event!

Kids/Family waves will be run on approximately the first 1.5-2 miles of the adult course.  The obstacles on this part of the event course were chosen specifically for all ages.  However, it is any parent’s prerogative to choose to have their child ‘opt out’ of any obstacle at any time.

This is the first time kids and families are on the same course as the adults as such, kids waves will begin later in the day, allowing adults to run their lap(s) earlier and child free.

ALL CHILDREN UNDER 12 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT AT ALL TIMES ON THE COURSE.  Some of the trails are dense – for safety of all, children on the course must be supervised at all times.
Kids and Family Waves