
1899881_10203473493511780_6336581705914297140_nWhat does BoldrDash mean to me?  LIFE!  Life and FRIENDSHIP!  Today more than any other day that is what filled my heart.  Last week one of my absolute favorite people in the world had a scary reality check.  What started as an ordinary Sunday morning with the BoldrDash bootcamp crew ended in heart related surgery only days later.
There are many other OCR’s out there and each one means something different to each person who attends as a spectator, each non-profit entity that benefits from the event, each volunteer and each runner.  Every owner of an OCR that I have met has started their event or event series for different reasons, most of them wanting to do something positive for others.  In these volatile times in the industry where every time you turn your head a new event is popping up;  some folks put their blood, sweat and tears into their event and some throw together a few walls and call it an OCR.  In the past four years more blood, sweat and definitely lots and lots of tears have gone into creating and continuing to create BoldrDash Events.  After this week, I am again in awe as to how much bigger this is than me.
I have had people tell me all sorts of different things that they feel when they do a BoldrDash event.  People have shared how they have gotten back into shape through getting ready for BoldrDash or how they feel like a kid again when they go down the slip and slide.  People have told me how strong and how powerful they feel when the conquer the course.  One, very special person, even told me that for the first time in 10 years BoldrDash helped her to “feel” again, granted what she felt were bruises, scrapes and bumps, but “feeling” them was her accomplishment.
Today Ed said to me, “Exercise saved my life,” and all I can say back to him is, “thank goodness”.  We’d be lost without EDtheheatMAN.  Since year one Ed has been with us at bootcamp faithfully, he has attended more building sessions and brainstorming meetings than I can count.  I am truly blessed to call him friend.  I have met many people through the BoldrDash events.  I have strengthened many already established relationships through the laughter we have shared or the ‘pain’ we have endured together getting ready for the event.  Getting ready for each BoldrDash event takes countless hours of planning, building, course prep and tons and tons of behind the scenes things the average runner will never see.  Today I was humbled once again by what it can do.  Exercise saved Ed’s life and I am happy to say that BoldrDash and BoldrDash Bootcamp had a part in that.  I am even happier to say that I will have many more BoldrDash memories and fun times together with Ed thanks to the doctors that saved his life.  

So why do  I share this with you today?  Because I can.  This past week I learned that while you can… DO!  BeBold and overcome your limitations with your own determination every day, what ever they may be.

BoldrDash –

Lynn Hall,
President, BoldrDash Race LLC